sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

On the Move Antonio Leyva art critic.

I have had the opportunity to observe the evolution of your recent work, which I see every time more expressive, even freed with this intention of the straitjacket of mere figurative reference or anecdote, setting free a liberty of color and composition which, without falling into pure abstraction, appears more and more autonomous, without, however, abandoning the inclusion of a strong existentialist or human content. In summary, congratulations on your painting, always alive and on the move.


Año 2000

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

First Charcoal Drawing

Fine Arts faculty in Madrid,  a bunch of frustrated teachers who made five years of my life miserable.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

" I can Be the One to make You Feel that Way"

A work of art is the extension of an artist’s mood. I really felt good today, not so much yesterday.

This painting is an example of mature concentration. A well balanced structure between abstraction and figuration, with a certain tendency to simplification of form, an astounding combination of colors, a well structured picture layout and, what´s  really admirable,  a balanced composition combining it all. As always my humble opinion but different  ones will be very welcome.¡Olé!

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

El Envoltorio "The Packaging"

Esperando a mi padre. "Waiting for my Dad"

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

La Barca (2009)

Talking about Judges.

In summer of 2009, Sonia de Sotomayor, after days of extensive and extenuated hearings that I religiously followed in New York, was confirmed by the U.S Senate as the 111 th Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Sotomayor was the first Hispanic and third female justice to serve on the Supreme Court. I was so impressed by her that I became her fan.

I painted her as a heroine in this painting along with Zapatero, governing Spain badly at that time , and the eternal Mrs. Merkel.

I wonder what she would have said about the sentence of the Prestige.

Here is my humble opinion.


€ 800 million worth of negligence absolved, and the government again goes on happily and relieved – until the next time. Mr. Arias Cañete talks about lessons learned, but neither will there be increased ship inspections nor will marine security be improved.


Justice has again favored the incompetent. What worse, Spain is full of them and they are governing the country. In this case without environmental conscience and this will happen again whilst the culprits aren’t paying for damages.




Can negligence be punished through criminal proceedings? Why not?



miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Luz Verde a Parot

Strasbourg prohibits the retroactive application of the Parot Doctrine in case of 1000-or-more-year sentences which no prisoner will ever complete, because with or without such doctrine, more than 30 years inside would not be possible, only maybe a few years less for days worked or good conduct, but not a whole lot. If a terrorist who should never have been released from jail now gets out 3 or 4 years early, what difference does it make. ? Please, Spanish legislators and judges, not 30, not 40, nor retroactively or not. If you don’t want them to get out, just one life sentence with the possibility of review if circumstances call for it.

Would my adored British friends have applied such a sentence from Strasbourg? What would happen if Spain had decided not to execute it?


Estrasburgo prohíbe  la aplicación retroactiva de la doctrina Parot  a las sentencias milenarias que ningún preso cumplirá., pues con ella o sin ella más de treinta años de condena no  serian aplicables,  excepto unos pocos años por buena conducta, pero no tantos menos. Que un terrorista que jamás debería de haber salido  de la cárcel, salga  cuatro años antes que más da.  . Señores juristas españoles, ni treinta, ni cuarenta,   ni con carácter retroactivo ni sin él. Si  no quieren que salga, cadena perpetua y  revisen sentencias.

Hubieran  aplicado mis amigos los británicos, a los que adoro semejante doctrina? ¿Que pasaría en España si no se aplicase?

Max Beckman(Guappi with Parrot)

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

PP´S Patrimony

Elevando la tauromaquia a patrimonio cultural los del PP no han hecho sino que asegurarse el suyo, ya que muchos de ellos tiene dinero invertido en ganadería. Otra artimaña más de los dirigentes. La incapacidad de los socialistas con 54 abstenciones demuestra el poco espíritu de lucha de un partido en quiebra.

Espero que la UNESCO ni se plantee incluir la tauromaquia entre los patrimonios Inmateriales de la Humanidad, con ello seguiría fomentando la desfachatez política de un partido corrupto.

The PP,KK only tries to elevate it´s patrimony by declaring bullfighting cultural patrimony , because many of them have money invested in cattle farms.

 Another maneuver, by the party leaders.

The inability of the socialist’s party with 54 abstentions in the voting of the law only demonstrates the lack of any fighting spirit.

I hope that the UNESCO will not even consider including bullfighting within the Immaterial Patrimonies of Humanity, because with that it would only continue to  cover a corrupted political party.

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Manuel Benedito Vives.

Did you know that Manuel Benedito Vives Spanish Valencian painter , great painter of portraits was my grand-uncle?