martes, 21 de enero de 2014


New media Art
New Media Art.

La Danza.

When the horse dances.

martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Leo la poca o inexistente proyección internacional  del mercado del arte español. Lo cierto es que se ocupa poco de sus artistas  .

Hace cinco años gané un prestigioso y muy respetable premio dentro  del caótico y descomunal  mundo del arte actual,   un Showdown en Saatchi Online. Desde entonces la gallería me ha estado promocionando y he vendido obra gracias a ellos.

 En España, como artista Española que soy el reconocimiento  no ha tenido repercusión alguna, El ninguneo del desprecio  ha sido mi proyección artística.

Un país machista hasta las trancas, donde el que de verdad vale, y si es mujer mucho peor  debe buscarse la vida en otra parte.

I´ve read the small or nonexistent international presence of the Spanish art market. The fact is that   it does not concern itself of its artists at all.

About five years ago I won a prestigious and respected prize among the chaotic and enormous actual art world, a showdown at the Saatchi Online gallery. The gallery has been promoting me and thanks to them I´ve sold some work.

As a Spanish artist that I am the prize has had no repercussion. The denial has been my artistic projection.

A macho men country where the one that stands out has to go away and if you are a woman,for good.

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

El Arte del Pequeño.

Art is to create something new spontaneously leaving behind what was learned before.

Arte es crear  espontáneamente  algo nuevo  olvidando lo aprendido.


The Loyal Family.

Finally accused

Just like the King of Spain muddled through his stumbling speech, is how this country has been working, a country of arrogants, hidden behind a mask of lies which I have been denouncing for years and which finally are coming to light.


martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Dro and Le.

My daughter who very much acts like an earthquake just starts touching all my wobbly technological devices which for her are totally outdated and updates them at the speed of sound. Needless to say that I don’t get a thing and she doesn’t give a shit.

I see things differently but thanks to me, she sees what she sees. I’m begging her to return my social channels to order, in order to be able to communicate again with my fellow digitals.

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

La Peineta

Technological Lapsus

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

El Collar Azul (en proceso)

El tiempo pasa para todo.
Nothing can escape the pass of time.

viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

The Blue Necklace

First painting (self-portrait)in 2014 . Work in progress.