domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

The Birth.


My women are not misogynistic like Picasso´s, decorative as with Matisse’s, or imbued with a sense of decadence like Kirchner’s. My women are remarkable for their truthfulness, unique for their sense of happiness, and their thoughtfulness is totally independent from older and newly established forces.

 They are not even allegorical nor symbolic,  and they have very  positive attitudes without worrying over deeper meanings. They are courageous enough as for breaking free from accepted conventions.

My women are me.

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

A Person to Person Communication

The magic of life expressionism happens when the spectator tries to decipher the puzzle of the painting. It is curious to listen to their comments, because sometimes they see  things different from what I painted, and which I didn´t see. In this way a complicity is created between the artist and the viewer .

There are imposing paintings , those which envelop  you and fun paintings, but each of them breathes life.

La Complicidad entre el Espectador y el Artista.

La magia del expresionismo en vivo ocurre cuando el espectador trata de descifrar el puzzle del cuadro. Es interesante escuchar sus comentarios , pues a veces ellos ven cosas distintas a las que yo he pintado y que yo no he visto. Así se crea una complicidad entre los dos.

Hay cuadros que imponen , hay otro que te envuelven y otros divertidos, lo cierto es que de cada uno de ellos emana vida.


When Walls Murmur.

At Orfila Gallery Madrid


sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014


When the art Market permanently shuts its doors to your work, you have to be very courageous to fight against that and open the slot which is yours. Two art lovers were applauding my work last night, emphasizing equally its energy and the great sensibility which emanates from it. I have often said that an artist expresses him/ herself transmitting something, independently of the medium. For me, painting is one more medium, but also photography, video, a performance or an installation.


If an author/philosopher tells you that “your painting is much better than Oscar Kokoschka” whom I admire, your self-esteem rises, if they comment that they have travelled inside the painting and lived a magic experience, it is a joy to know that you were able to connect with the viewer, transmitting to him this energy, yours, caught in the painting, so as not ever to forget it. If in addition, they pay you a compliment by telling you that in reality you are much more beautiful than in photographs (where I usually look awful), well, welcome the compliment. My thanks to the Orfila Gallery for giving me the opportunity to show my paintings in Madrid, and thank you to the collectors who were the first to acquire one of them, the “Naughty Woman of the Future”.


Let’s hope that this modern “woman” who has already found her place, will also find a place in the impossible ranking of art.



Cuando el mercado del arte cierra sus puertas a tu obra permanentemente,  hay que ser muy valiente para luchar contra él y conseguir  el hueco que te corresponde.

Dos amantes de la pintura,  alabaron anoche la mía,  resaltando  por partes iguales tanto  su  fuerza  como la gran sensibilidad que emana de ella . A menudo  he dicho  que independientemente del medio , un artista se expresa transmitiendo . Para mí, la  pintura es un medio más , pero también lo es la fotografía, el video,  una performance o una instalación.

Si un filosofo escritor te regala esta frase  "tu pintura es mucho mejor que la de Oscar Kokoschka" ; al que admiro, te sube la autoestima,  si comentan que han viajado al  interior del cuadro viviendo una experiencia mágica , te alegra  saber que has  conectado  con el espectador transmitiéndole   esa fuerza atrapada, la tuya, en el cuadro,  como para no olvidarlo jamás.. Si además te  alagan diciendo que eres mucho más guapa al natural (en foto salgo fatal) bienvenido sea el piropo.

Gracias a la Galería Orfila  por darme la oportunidad de mostrar mis cuadros en Madrid, y gracias a los coleccionistas que se quedaron  con "Naughty Woman of the Future".

Esperemos que esta moderna  " Woman "que  ya ha encontrado un hogar, también logre su puesto en el ranking imposible  del arte.


martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014




If one characteristic of expressionism is the solidarity between the artist and her motive, this third exhibition by Maria Aparici at the Orfila Gallery (earlier ones took place in 2004 and 2006), highlights her evolution within this language, showing a progressive disfiguration, without falling into abstraction, short-circuits data and references with the intention to make expression prevail over information. Maybe exactly because the latter is not able to get us out of our impassiveness –an operation of rationalizing which who knows whether we still own it- the “deletions” of women or animals in her paintings, her dances, appeal to this encounter with the other person, as solidarity and as a protest, by way of our capacity of empathy as the ultimate sign of tenderness.


Maria Aparici studies at the New School for Social Research in New York (1988-1992), graduates in interior architecture, and at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University in Madrid, where she obtains a Master’s degree in painting (1998). She has developed an ample exhibition activity in various countries, where since 1998, she has shown her work at individual exhibitions in Switzerland, Spain (at the galleries of Victoria Hidalgo, Ofelia Aparici and Orfila in Madrid, Agurcho Iruretagoyena in Pamplona and AKKA in Valencia) and The United States, whilst also participating in group exhibitions at various New York galleries between 2000 and 2003, as well as in recent years at others on an international level: Saatchi Gallery London (Showdown winner 2009 and 2013), “Art in Mind”, The Brick Lane Gallery London (2014), “Art & Integration”, Palacio Gipsoteca Libero Andreotti, Pescia (Italy) in 2010, “Apocalypse Now”, Mazia Frozen Gallery Berlin (2011), Colorida gallery Lisbon (2011), The Lloyd Gill Gallery of Weston-Super-Mare (UK) in 2012.


She will personally inaugurate her exhibition on Friday, Nov. 14th, 2014, at 19:30.


                         GALERÍA DE ARTE ORFILA. CALLE ORFILA, 3. 28010  MADRID

  91 3198864 – - Facebook – Twitter



jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014