This is not meant to be a table , but it was
No me gustan nada las invivibles casas de Joaquín Torres, parecen fríos mausoleos futurísticos del espacio. Una casa es un producto de culto en el que se tiene que vivir, un espacio creado para
activar todos los estímulos sensoriales, creamos emociones, mirando, tocando.
Cuando lleguemos a vivir en el espacio;
yo no desde luego, que se construyan con materiales del universo planetario. Por ahora seguimos en el tan castigado planeta tierra y
con poco y reciclado deberíamos crear palacios del confort. La casa se vive, se huele y se ensucia.
I don´t
like at all the unlivable houses of Joaquin Torres , they look like futuristic space mausoleums. A house is a product of cult
which one has to live in, a space created to activate your entire sensorial stimulus.
We created emotions by touching, smelling.
Once we are
capable of living in space, not me of course, they might build them with
materials from the planetarium universe. Meanwhile we still are in the so
punished planet earth and with less, and recycled materials we should be
capable of building palaces of comfort.
A house has
to be lived in, touched, smelled and dirtied.
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