Esta balsa ilegal en activo ha
estado siempre sujeta a una licencia ambiental que nunca tuvo, aunque ha
seguido funcionando sin ella durante años. Por primera vez, el Ayuntamiento de Alcalá
de Xivert por fin ha escuchado a la Comisión de Análisis Ambiental Integrado de
la Conselleria Valenciana, a pesar de haberla mencionado yo en mis alegaciones
hace tiempo, y ha requerido a lo largo del año 2014 a 'Aceites Chivert' una documentación
actualizada, que jamás presentará, el
impresentable del aceitero. ¿Por qué? Pues porque le piden el REDISEÑO de la
balsa ilegal maloliente, que nadie le pidió antes. ¿Y por qué no lo va a hacer
el Sr. Cherta - el propietario de la instalación podrida? Pues porque a pesar
de no tener licencia, ganó un juicio que yo perdí. ¿Sabéis que alegó la juez
Laura Alabau Martí? Pues "que no constaba que la actividad produjese molestias
u olores, pues la actividad sujeta a múltiples controles obtuvo su
correspondiente declaración de impacto ambiental".
qué quedamos, la tiene, la tuvo, la licencia ambiental, o no la tenía y sigue
sin tenerla? Además añadía la Sra. juez en su sentencia de Marzo del 2011
"hay que producir aceite y en algún sitio hay que poner la balsa, estadio
de alpechines putrefacto".
Aún espero la sentencia del
tribunal de mi recurso que fue admitido a trámite hace tres años y medio.
Para mí este es un claro caso de
prevaricación por parte del Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Xivert, se está favoreciendo
a un mal vecino en detrimento y asfixia del resto del pueblo mudo.
La buena noticia es que ya no
echa alpechines a la balsa, y aunque ilegalmente los echa a la finca de al
lado, la Comisión de Análisis Ambiental Integrado está haciendo bien su trabajo
tomando cartas en el asunto.
This activity has always been conditioned upon an environmental permit
which it never had, and in spite of this has been operating for the last 14
years. The Commission for Integrated Environmental Analysis has finally spoken
(it is the first time I hear city hall refer to them), after having mentioned them
in my original allegations. The city administration has taken one entire year
requesting a documentation from Aceites Chivert which they will never, ever
produce. Why? Well, because they are asking them to redesign the illegal,
ill-smelling deposit, something that no one has ever asked them to do before.
And why will Mr. Cherta - the owner of this rotten establishment - not do it?
Because City Hall won a lawsuit which I lost. Do you know what judge Laura
Alabau Martí said? “There is no evidence that the activity is molesting or
causing bad odours, as it has been submitted to previous controls”. I know that
this is not the case. And, in addition, they received a positive environmental
impact declaration!
What are we left with? Does he have, did he have it, that environmental
permit, or did he never have it and continues without it? “It is logical that
an activity like this emits smells, and since it is located on rural land, oil
must be produced” is the ending of the sentence issued in March 2011.
Ah, and what? Where would he put this deposit full of oil chemicals the
size of a football field which does not molest anybody? I am still waiting for
the appeal sentence by the court that admitted it 3 ½ years ago…
For me, this is a clear case of legal abuse, a bad neighbor is being
given preference over the rest of the village which suffers in silence.
The good news is that he no longer empties the industrial remains of his
production into the deposit, he now dumps them on a neighbouring field. And
most of all, the integrated Environmental Analysis Commission of Valencia State
Administration is doing well and taking charge of the situation.
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