martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

El Cuquello.

Spain is well known as a country of corruption and shameless behavior but what took place yesterday in the village of Alcalá de Xivert can only be called state delinquency..

As I already explained earlier, the village administration decided some time ago to execute an expropriation in order to provide electric power to ghost (i.e. unoccupied since about 10 years ago) industrial park. Faced with my opposition, I saw myself threatened by the use of force, in spite of having correctly appealed the procedure within the month we have been given for the appeal (this, four years after the start of the proceedings).

Today seven armed police (Guardia Civil) in a total of four police vehicles showed up with the Iberdrola contractors, alleging they had orders from the Government Delegation in Valencia, orders which they of course never produced for inspection. With no further explanation, Iberdrola proceeded to place a mast for a high-voltage power line in the middle of a gorgeous pine forest which we were trying to protect. Benefitting from the fact that it is the end of the summer holiday and also a local public Holiday in the village, they arrive in order to place the mast with no further ado and ignoring the fact that this is a completely illegal measure and abuse of public authority. My husband, my daughter and I myself were not allowed near the work, abused, threatened with legal consequences and penalties and physically kept from exercising our legal right to access of our own property. Instead of protecting us, the citizens, they came to protect a lightpost illegally placed where it should never be in the first place.

This is not the first time the police support the town’s shameless mayor who seems to be perennial like an undertaker, my lawyer couldn’t believe they would be capable of ignoring the law and any civilized legal procedures the way they actually did. Naturally, our lawyers will be relentless in pursuing those who broke the law and ensure they are brought to justice.

España es un país de sinvergüenzas y corruptos pero lo que pasó ayer en el pueblo sin ley de Alcala de Xivert es de malhechores.

Como ya había explicado anteriormente el ayuntamiento decide en su dia una expropiación para iluminar un polígono industrial fantasma. Ante mi negativa a la expropiación forzosa me obligan por las fuerzas amenazando. Se recurre en conselleria y el plazo para ello es de un mes cuatro años mas tarde desde el inicio del proyecto.

Hoy con 20 guardia civiles alegando ordenes de la delegación central, y aprovechando que es fiesta y conselleria está cerrado vienen a colocar el poste sin más. Nos han amenazado a mi marido y a mi hija, nos han empujado, maltratado y acosado. En lugar de como ciudadano protegernos, han protegido el poste de Iberdrola.

 No es la primera vez que la policía apoya al ayuntamiento y al sinvergüenzas del Alcalde que sigue perenne como la funeraria , mi abogado no daba crédito.


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