jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2017

If We Women Fail In Something..

 More or less a year ago, responding to an, awful YouTube with Mojarto, I claimed for women’s rights in the world, stating that there was still a lot left to do.

Many abuses and aggressions have since come to light. Women speak and men’s world starts to shake. For someone like myself who has lived in world that is macho by nature and who since the age of 7 has experienced a retrograde matriarchy of mother and grandmother (since my father left with another woman) that is quite an accomplishment.

That women have to offer and give three times more is a known fact.

That women have to convince under unequal conditions of equality is unheard of, but that women have to suffer physical mistreatment like I had to with my first husband is unacceptable. I would have needed the protection of a father I never had because for my mother, nothing ever existed or exists, nobody as important as her SON.

In my world, the art world, women have also been pushed aside, have shard space with children and husbands, searching for perfection in record time. During my life, I have received few prizes and been tripped up lots of times. I was very timid, and like any good artist very sensitive. I had a hard time overcoming all of this. But there is worse mistreatment, the economic one, if a woman professionally leaves everything for a man she is lost because she will depend on him always.

The computerized and cold world of today needs humanity, sensibility and most of all being made aware of, like I as an artist will always defend as long as I have the strength, values that I think are being lost, claiming respect from the world with all that that includes. To do this I will need the sensibility of other women, be they artists or not, because if we women fail in something, it is in the little help we provide each other.

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