domingo, 20 de enero de 2019

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

There are extraordinary women with privileged minds who get nowhere in life, whilst others with no mind at all reach high levels with their bodies, and also there are those few who, possessing both, sacrifice one or the other in order to reach at least half that.

We are at a historic moment for women, those of my generation demonstrate, whilst those belonging to my daughter’s generation take action because they want to be free in their decisions. 

In a wider labor market, with more opportunities and more competition finally accepted by men, women prove their courage and ability to work. 

With that, boring domestic chores, children’s education and the home nest are shared. And the man loses his bird’s freedom to lay his eggs in others’ nests.

It is certain that marriage as a religious institution is shaky and also that long-term partnerships can be boring. Perhaps now we accept more openly that infidelities can unite more than separate, and can be accepted and forgiven. 

But careful, children are a great responsibility, and from these relationships and adventures children can be born if the woman so decides. They are mean to be a shared responsibility, not soldiers combatting their step brothers or sisters.

As such, if a woman searches for equality and wants to be a single mother, she has to be sufficiently responsible to accept her maternity by herself, alone. That, yes, is freedom.


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