martes, 10 de septiembre de 2019

The Way I Paint.

My very personal way.
Of course I am concerned with protest or drama, I grasp what I see or feel from the external world  of  forces  and  forms that influence me,  trying constantly to collect  new experiences,  and engage  them with my  inner world in  harmony .
 Predominantly the inner impression  is what prevails.
You need a strong and original temperament, and immense artistic sensibility, you have to be  pathologically emotional, go to  greatest happiness and deepest depressions, in order to create expressions
  free of irrelevancy, to express nothing but the essentials,  and achieve mutual interpenetration of these two kinds of experience. The inner and the external.
I have good visual memory and fast eyes, a positively hallucinatory quality, fast observation of movement, and sometimes a monumental force of expression solely by means of color.
I don´t do sketches to record my impressions. It is an original and different way to create something that can´t be taught. We need a lot of practicing , seizing things quickly, and produce lots of works from memory in bold strokes, bright pure colors, and simplified natural forms. It  is not schematics  and destructive forms with wild and uncontrolled storms of colors. It is just forms of sensitivity.
One needs to have mastery in anatomy in order to be able to invent new own beings, a system of rules of forms, which would still be natural in their effect because they are constructed in accordance with the rules of nature.
 I don´t want apathetic expressionless models, forms which represent nothing, any feminine coquetry, what I  want is  to sacrifice the power of explicit statement or to represent an idea without the object.
Art is the gift of something new, not the reproduction of something already in existence. A creator, without the needing of all the relics of tradition and the past. He must have in himself the  immediate and entire foundation on which he builds  the threatened condition of existence.

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