The Septic
Deposit of Alcalá de Xivert
There exists in
Alcalá de Xivert a clandestine deposit of remainders of olives oil mill
effluents during 14 years without an environmental license and, what is even
more serious, without ever having been emptied, treated or cleaned.
After pressing
the olives, after the milling process, there remains an organic product, the
effluents which the owner of the press takes to the deposit in tanks, without
any environmental or sanitary control. When the liquid evaporates, it produces
a fetid mass, highly contaminating and very dangerous to your health.
If filtered and
treated, the material is reusable for energy production, as fertilizer, combustion
material etc. If abandoned and stored, it possesses a lethal chemical
composition of fats, poliphenols, benzoids, all very toxic. Any organism is
incapable to eliminate these elements which, what is worse, can cause cancer.
Phenols are the worst, and the most dangerous way is through the air. When
breathing it in, the material can cause cellular mutations, weaken the immune
system and, as said before, cause cancer.
The effluents,
besides the fetid smell, also is very contaminating by way of its high DBO
(need for oxygen in the decomposition process). To decompose one liter of these
effluents, 60 g of oxygen are needed. In these types of deposits, the need for
oxygen is enormous (DQO between 40,000 and 210,000 ppm and a DBO between 10.000
and 150,000 ppm).
1,000 kg of olives produces a contamination equivalent to a village of 500 – 1,000
inhabitants. In other words, how many people were contaminated during all these
Now, the owner
of this establishment is again asking for a license. It seems like the
agricultural engineer is ready to approve it, and of course city hall appears
tolerant of such behavior.
I sincerely
believe this company does not deserve such benevolence, and the people should
speak out once and for all, even if only in the interest of their own health
and that of their children.
I really would
like to analyze this organic material.
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