martes, 23 de julio de 2013


Amy Forever

Appearance is not really what defines a person, but rather the wisdom of presence and being. 
She was divine, more beautiful when she began her career. The stupid rules of the fashion industry imposing obsessive rules of perfection killed her.

I dedicated her video when I feared the worst and painted a portrait in homage to her when it was already too late. We were all young and went through the same insane rules of society. Thanks Amy again, forever your fan.  I will always I admire you.

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013


Exquisite and glamorous week-end outside London at my dearest friends’ house. Surrounded by old trees and the best combination of artists, writers, art critics, gallery owners, musicians, poets, pilots...  It is a joy to be part of them.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

Mis Amigos.

Mis Amigos. 6 de Julio 2013

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Refrescar el pasado.

Reunión y comida en el campo con amigas de la infancia.