domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

The Iron Tower.


A magical place under threat again of destruction.
The establishment is threatening me again, my small forest landscape in the middle of this putrefied hole is going to be turned down next Wednesday.
I don´t know how I ended up in this shithole of losers, the thing is that from a  chaotic place of  crap and crash I created my own paradise.
Within a village of countless irregularities and contradictions, I am demanding my rights, creating conflicts.
A very mediocre architecture is being built by political owners who had been taking profit of the land as well, deciding whether it  is agricultural, rural, rustic, urban , urbanistic, or God knows what. As they are  always controlling  relatives or friends of the corrupt  PP, when an unwanted project is coming; always for the benefit of the village, the foreigners, me, have the worst part, without even being notified, well you can always check the official state bulletin, or the local announcements made by the village administration. Probably not even God again, understands this.
I am a powerless person with little opinion and I don´t think I can stop the iron tower lying down from being erected any longer.
The electrical post monument of mass produced shit needs space in the middle of a 40-year old beautiful pine forest, in spite of the enormous empty land right nearby.
No matter how hard my complaints are, the powerful establishment again is going to violate essential values, disrespecting nature.
Who profits, Iberdrola is rich, jailed Carlos Fabra’s friends who left behind an enormous amount of followers.
I am going to fight this unbearable installation of the iron tower as hard as I did illegal farms or industrial waste disposals on agricultural land.
Wish me luck.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

La SArdana


Capitalists, separatists, revolutionaries, unionists, communists, right-wingers, left-wingers, all conceited with power, all politicians at the start of lies, the majority future candidates for corruption, clinging to a supposed judicial power which is going to absolve them in order not to have to give up this power of patrimony where what matters least is the spirit of public service, and where in the hypothetical case of a judicial resolution things hardly ever get to be considered penal.
In Spain, in parliament one lies with total impunity and, what’s more, an impenetrable and unchangeable network of favors and supports is created. Ethically, to lie in office of public service is unacceptable and should be sufficient grounds for requesting the politician in question to abandon public office. However, here nobody ever leaves anything and less so Mr. Artur Mas in Catalonia where he is currently playing cat and mouse with an extreme left-wing CUP which in turn is blackmailing him.
But it is not new that Mas the fascist lies, he has always lied and manipulated and blackmailed and has been protected by earlier governments in their hardly ethical behavior, and so nobody sentenced him judicially for being corrupt.
Now they are simply going to punish him for his insurrection, his unrealistic left-wing fantasies of a very poor economic reality in a Catalonia which is uncertain of whether she really wants to be independent, or something like it..
Make  way for new generations and don’t sell yourselves so desperately.


La Sardana


Capitalistas, independentistas , revolucionarios, unionistas , comunistas, derechistas, izquierdistas, soberanistas, todos vanidosos del poder, todos políticos incipientes de la mentira.  La mayoría futuros candidatos de la corrupción, aferrados a un puesto,  y que el  supuesto Poder Judicial  no les arrebate  y absuelva para no tener que abandonarlo.

 Poder patrimonio ,donde  lo que menos importa es  el espíritu del servicio público , y   que en el caso hipotético  de una  resolución judicial  que no   llegue a ser de carácter penal.

En España y  en el Parlamento se miente inmunemente,   creando  un entramado de favores y  apoyos impenetrable e inmutable.     

Éticamente mentir en un cargo público es inaceptable, y motivo suficiente para exigir al político abandono del cargo . Pero  en España no se va nadie y menos Arthur Mas que  en Cataluña,  y  actualmente  esta engatusando a una izquierda CUP  que a su vez le chantajea.


 Pero no es nuevo que Mas el fachas  mienta, ha mentido y  manipulado siempre y también chantajeado ,  y ha sido  amparado , o al menos ignorado a sabiendas por gobiernos anteriores  conocedores de sus comportamientos poco éticos, y  nadie le condeno judicialmente entonces  por corrupto.

Ahora simplemente le sancionaran por insurrecto, por sus  fantasías irreales izquierdistas  de una realidad económica muy pobre en una Cataluña  incierta que quiere ser independiente , a medias..

. Dejad paso a Nuevas Generaciones  y que no se vendan a lo Mas desesperado.