martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Zero Olympic Games.

Pride, prepotency and above all naivety have left the Spanish completely crushed. Not even for a split second had they conceived a loss so huge.

Votes are not won over by begging in 3 languages, votes which hang in the air do not count. They need to be earned with hard work, strong effort and one’s head in its place; not too high and not too low, else promises lie in "agua de borrajas".

Mrs. Bottle paralyzed Madrid and its streets as owner and lady she is of the Mayordom. I had to drag my suitcase from Atocha station, walking through a mass of smiling faces who accepted defeat sung out to their later frozen faces.

They say you can live on hope and illusion but the IOC does not know about charity. Unemployment, the economic crisis, political corruption, and bullfighting which nobody talked about, could not hold out against the Japanese efficiency and its potent economy. 

From outside, they are looking at us with a severe magnifying glass. We look at ourselves with exaggerated benevolence, and in spite of our excellent Prince's beggar's presentation, Spain had an astounding exit through the back door.

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