sábado, 14 de junio de 2014

The Loyal Family


Since the European elections, a lot has happened in Spain. Like I said, Cañete and also Valenciano didn’t do so well, and that was obvious. “We can” – Podemos, the discovery of these elections, who are asking for a referendum about Monarchy or Republic, has scared the bipartisan system quite a bit.


A few days away from the almost urgent coronation of Felipe VI, the socialists defend the crown as a guarantee for stability, and those who question its legality as an institution debate with the conservative PP who say there is no sufficient consensus for a possible change.


We still have an incongruent bipartisan system of convenience. But since we don’t want a bloody week like that which occurred in Berlin in 1919 when the communists and their allies got too excited, a new constitutional monarchy will resolve the Spanish drama and that of the “new period of the new Spain” and its brand ‘Marca España’. This new fresh air which the new King is supposed to bring with him and which, according to a few desperate hopefuls, will resolve the Catalan drama, reform the Constitution, eliminate corruption (for that, you’d have to eliminate half of Spain) and most of all provide more work so that as to reduce unemployment. Too many expectations for a prince who is really a beggar for such a deteriorated monarchy. Spain, fed up with impositions even if of a high moral standard, renews itself. And whilst some clamor for a federal state as a territorial model, right now the fiscal situation is brought by the monarchy. Its new queen, already scrutinized to no end by a committee of experts, has risen very high. Let’s see if she can live up to it..




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