jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Children´s art . Dro versus Miro

A child between 4 and 7 years who is not pressed into anything and is ego-centered will express its feelings through the charm and the spontaneity of very expressive drawings.


It is their way of letting us know about the impression they get from the external appearance of an object. But precisely what attracts us emotionally is their lack of drawing skill, their esthetic sensitivity or their infantile sculpting manner, their carelessness about details and their freedom to express relationships in space.

A lively drawing that can be sad, hateful or powerful within its simplicity can be the sign of a work of art. Artistic sensitivity and esthetic perception increase with age, and go hand in hand with becoming less egocentric and losing originality

 With privileged dynamism a child sings and dances while painting this is called synesthesia handling easy translations between the different sensorial systems in which colors evoke sounds and sounds evoke colors.

This explosion of artistic activity constitutes the central enigma of artistic development. , within this time of their lives occurs an easy and natural transaction between mediums.

To express ideas and new concepts make feelings alive, with excited traces, children are able to produce personal big important abstractions through original caricatures.  Success and fame can be developed at this time


An adult who invents preschool metaphors lets go with unconscious processes, and tries hiding the skill and dexterity of knowledge, must get rid of stereotyped representations and conventions which he sometimes uses in order to attract the attention of others, and which inhibit this precious freedom of a creative child, who knows no such preoccupations.

Miró, Klee or Picasso can be ingenious without copying children but must reduce forms to simpler work, spontaneous and original. And always look for different expressions.

On the other hand, children who try to achieve realism can produce fabulous deviations.

An adult, in his much desired and lost maturity must search for innocence and simplicity in order to create new pre-schoolers’ strokes of genius.


A child between 4 and 7 years who is not pressed into anything and is ego-centered


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